Jeepers Creepers Wiki

Jeepers Creepers 2 is a 2003 horror film directed and written by Victor Salva. The film stars Ray Wise, Johnathon Breck, and Eric Nenninger. It is a sequel to Jeepers Creepers (2001) and is the second installment in the Jeepers Creepers franchise. The film also gained an interquel, Jeepers Creepers 3 in 2017.

It's never indicated in the first movie when during the Creeper's 23 day feeding cycle is taking place, but the sequel occurs on the last day.


DAY 22: 3 days after the events of the first film.

Farmer Jack Taggart Sr. is trying get his post-puncher working, but fails. He blames his younger son, Billy, but he denies any wrongdoing. He then asks his elder son, Jack Jr. if he has been messing with it. Having been busy fixing their car, "Jackie" is annoyed that his brother won't "rat himself out". While making sure the scarecrows are fastened tight to their poles, he sees crows be attracted to one not too far from him; "A lot of good they are doing." Suddenly, Billy sees it turn its head to look at him. Curious, he walks over, examining the scarecrow as he does. Their dog, Mac, begins barking frantically in the direction of this "scarecrow". Billy examines the scarecrow and becomes frightened to see feet with talons on the end of it; the toes twitch slightly, making Billy begin running in fear. As soon as he does, the "scarecrow" jumps  off its post; it's the Creeper.

Jack Taggart watching in horror as Billy is taken

Jack, Sr. watches in horror of his son's abduction

Billy yells for his brother to help him as the Creeper leaps over Billy several times to smell his fear; before it pounces on him to keep him quiet. Both Jacks, having heard Billy's yells, run out into the cornfield with a shotgun. They see Billy being taken away by a figure in black, who checks behind him to see how close their getting. At wits end, the Creeper simply jumps into the air with BIlly and flies away. Both Jacks are left stunned and horrified as they watch the Creeper fade into the distance with Billy's screams.

DAY 23:

A bus full of the Bannon Bantam basketball players, their coaches and cheerleaders are returning home from the championship game. The players are singing their school song in celebration of winning the championship. When a truck with a bug is passing them, the players get out their school banner labelling themselves as champions to show the passing truck, to which the driver honks and waves to congratulate them. The 3 cheerleaders are getting a headache with their singing. Cheerleader Minxie Hayes approaches them and asks why Rhonda Truitt isn't sitting with her boyfriend Scotty. Scotty is sitting in the backseat by himself depressed, Rhonda explains he is upset that he did not get enough time to play and Scotty prefers to sit with the guys right now. She also comments if the team lost then he'd be all over her.

The bus gets a flat tire on East 9 Highway in Kissel County. The adults investigate and discover a makeshift shuriken in the tire, making them wonder how it could have pierced it the tire as the rubber is very thick. When Bus Driver Betty Borman tried to take it out, she gets cut and comments how razor sharp it is. They were then shocked to find that the shuriken has a tooth in it. Assistant Coach Barnes then realizes this shuriken seems to be made of some kind of bone, to which Coach Charlie Hanna dismisses and tells him to throw it away before he would need a tetanus shot. Teens Izzy and Bucky, along with the rest of the students, hear an update from Poho County, which reports of the excavation of the abandoned church that burned down four days ago; the authorities have found the Creeper's old lair, which houses over 500 bodies. The coroners have explained that not one body is complete (obviously), with each missing a limb or organ and that some are identified to be over 200 years old.

The adults try radioing for help, while the teens take bathroom break, or relax on the roof of the bus for a tan. Cheerleaders get caught by Coach Hanna suspecting them of smoking, he then orders them back on the bus and walks away. Betty comes out from behind the tree smoking, likely being the one to give the girls some cigarettes. While peeing, Jake Spencer boasts to Izzy, as he is the school reporter, to write a highlight moment of his game play. He then questions Izzy why he keeps writing about his teammate Dante Belasco so much. While Jake is antagonizing Izzy, he also pees on Bucky's shoe to which Bucky yells at him. Jake berates Bucky as he is the team's equipment manager, to which Bucky tells him off before walking away angry. Jake finishes up his business and antagonizes Izzy as he brings up rumors about Izzy getting into a fight at a gay bar, suspecting Izzy to be gay and that he has a nickname "Izzy or Isn't He." After an hour of being unable to reach anyone, the adults decide there is still another tire on the rim the shuriken hit, they can limp home on a slow pace and calls everyone back. While Kimball is trying to finish up peeing, the Creeper flies over him to which Kimball looks up but does not see him. Kimball then gets startled by the crows and screams, only for everyone to laugh at him.


The Creeper's Dagger which prophesized his plans to abduct Billy.

Back at the Taggert's farm, Jack Jr. has found a dagger dropped by the Creeper in the cornfield; his father examines it, only for the dagger to fly into a leather lampshade on its own. They take a closer look at this dagger and the markings show what took place, a child being abducted by the Creeper in a cornfield, just like what happened to Billy. They decide to go after the monster that killed Billy; Jr. welds a homemade harpoon gun to their truck, while Sr. uses the dagger to make a harpoon since it naturally seeks out flesh to pierce and makes one on his own.



The first shuriken to hit the bus tire. Made of teeth.

On the bus, Rhonda attempts to comfort Scotty who complains about only having 12 minutes of play, then accuses that the coaches did not let him play enough as he is not the right race to play. He includes talking about his teammate, Deaundre "Double D" Davis gotten to play more because he is black and commenting how he sucks and is not one of the contributing members to make it to the championship. This was overheard by Deaundre who Scotty mouths off. Minxie is asleep and begins dreaming. She sees Darry Jenner and Billy Taggert, who frantically point to the cornfield. She looks out in confusion as he cannot hear them. She notices Darry's bellybutton which has a rose tattoo and Billy having a bloody head wound. They keep pointing to the cornfield appearing very horrified. Minxie then looks to the cornfield and sees a dark figure running through the corn, tossing something at the bus. At that moment, the other tire bursts and the bus screeches to a complete halt. Minxie is left disturbed as her "dream" could have been clairvoyance. The teens are led off the road by Coach Barnes, while Driver Betty asks Coach Hanna to put out flares on the road. Luckily a car pulls up and Coach Hanna asks them to inform the Highway Authorities about their plight; he then begins setting flares to alert incoming cars. Then Betty and Barnes then find another shuriken in the tire; this time, it has Darry's bellybutton on it which Minxie recognizes, and Betty realizes in horror. Betty then tells Barnes to get the kids back on the bus as there is something going on and she doesn't like it. However, right as Hanna is far away enough to set a fourth flare, the Creeper pounces from above and captures him. 


The Creeper's shuriken crafted from Darry's bellybutton.

Betty orders the kids back on the bus; she and Barnes call out for Hanna, while Bucky radios for help. Right as Betty sets a fourth flare, the Creeper pounces on her; the teens see her quickly pulled into the air as Barnes hears her scream. The teens are left scared, letting Barnes inside. Barnes asks what they saw; to which Jake says "she flew away". Barnes then orders everyone to sit down. However, things start turning sour when Scotty glares at Barnes and starts arguing with him. Barnes knows Scotty is still upset about the game but orders him to sit down as this is not the time for it. However, as he is out the bus door, the Creeper grabs him with its talon feet and tries pulling him away. A chain of the kids tried holding onto him to save him, but the Creeper was too strong and Scotty who was holding Barnes to pull him down, falls onto the pavement out the bus door. They scramble back into the bus and shut the doors and windows. A bloodied Scotty is questioned as to what he saw, Scotty was in great shock and had trouble responding. To his peers insistence, he finally shouts "I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS, ALRIGHT?" then all he can say is "It had wings...big fricken wings."

At home, Jack Sr. is listening to the radio for any stories that might lead him to the Creeper. Upon hearing Kissel County has a lead, Jack takes off with his son to chase after the Creeper.

Back on the bus, it has been about an hour, Bucky is trying to radio for help, but find no-one is responding and no one's phone seems to get reception. Scotty then decides they need to get off the bus as he believes based on seeing some fences a few miles ahead, there is a farm they can get to for a phone. Rhonda protests, feeling afraid with "that thing" out there. Scotty argues The Creeper has not come back for an hour and it could be gone giving them enough time to go get help. Everyone protests the idea, and Scotty escalates it to an argument including, Dee, suspecting Scotty wanting to call him the N word and making homophobic comments to Izzy.

Creeper picking

The Creeper hanging upside down and picking people out before shaking the bus.

While everyone is arguing, Minxie notices something at the doors and backs away in horror. The others look at the doors to see the Creeper sniffing them out. They quickly hide below the seats as the Creeper jumps onto the roof, peering through the window above Jake and sniffing him out. Scotty suggests that Bucky move the bus, but is told that on the bare rims, the bus would not even get two feet away. The Creeper then jumps over and looks at them from the emergency exit, while upside down. He smiles on as he smells them, first staring then winking at Dante. Scotty then points to himself at the Creeper to which he smiles at. While Scotty moves away, the Creeper then looks at Minxie with a bigger smile. Bucky then points at himself which Creeper makes a target shooting gesture. As Bucky moves away, Kimball was quickly shrugged off by the Creeper without interest to which Dee was next. The Creeper's gesture then goes from smiles to an intense look as Dee appears the most terrified, making Dee the one the Creeper wants most. Upon smelling something he wants in Dee, the Creeper shivers in pleasure at his scent and licking the window. The Creeper then shakes the bus, breaking a screw off the door, while the door is still intact. Scotty was prepared to fire the flare gun if it comes inside. However, the Creeper climbs back onto the roof and flies away.

Darry warning

Darry shows Minxie what the Creeper did to him.

Minxie faints, concerning everyone as her eyes were rolling to the back of her head. She falls into another dream which takes her to the Taggart's farm. Billy is seen with Mac running behind her backwards. She then looks forward at the scarecrow in the cornfield. Darry appears behind her as he is being heard speaking rapidly, everything he says about it is absorbed by Minxie as many of the Creeper's victims are speaking to her through Darry. He then gives the most important warning: "Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days, it gets to eat." When Minxie questions what, Darry appears without his eyes, saying "Eat us," showing what The Creeper took and left of Darry. The Creeper sprouts its wings, shocking her awake.

Some teens wonder what that thing was and what it wanted from them. However, Minxie explains it was picking people out; "a dead boy told me" that "this thing has been around for hundreds of years and nothing has been able to kill it." She then explains the Creeper picks which parts of people it wants to eat from them by smelling their fear. Scotty thinks Minxie is crazy, but Rhonda tells him to shut up and listen to her. Scotty is refusing to believe her as she was a cheerleader this morning and suddenly she is a psychic. To which Minxie asks him to explain it because she cannot. Minxie continues that none of those it chose will be safe anywhere until midnight that night, as that's when the Creeper will go back into hibernation for 23 years, then it awakens again for 23 more days in an endless cycle. Bucky begins radioing for help once again, hoping especially it will be the police.

In the meantime, the Taggerts come across then car that passed the bus earlier, that was supposed to get help. The car's top was ripped opened like a can opener implying the Creeper attacked them before going for bus to stop them from getting the bus help. While Jack Sr. examines the empty remains of the wreck (which ironically has a bumper-sticker saying "I'm not a complete idiot; some parts are missing"), Jack Jr. receives Bucky's distress call. They learn that the Creeper is trying to attack and eat them, and that they won't be safe unless they get armed help; unfortunately, the Taggarts do not where they are at as East 9 is a big highway. Jack Sr. informs them that he'll inform the police and they need to hang on. However, when he turns off the radio he tells Jacky to keep driving and heading east as he wants to continue hunting down the Creeper to avenge Billy.

Creeper javelin

The Creeper getting a javelin jammed through the eye. (Formerly Darry's eye)

Back on the bus, everyone is cheering as they are being rescued, however, the celebration is cut short as, unseen by them, the Creeper jumps from the front of the bus and pierces the roof grabbing Bucky's head. However, Rhonda uses a javelin to impale the monster through its shoulder, hurting it. On a second try, she spears it through its left eye saving Bucky, forcing the Creeper to let go and pull the javelin through the roof. The Creeper tries removing the spear from either end but rips it off, along with the left side of his upper head. Dee sees this through the hole the Creeper made and watches as it flies off into the sky. However, they then hear a rumbling growing closer; the Creeper falls and crashes into the roof of the bus, shattering the windows. They find the Creeper is knocked out, unsure if it is dead.

Scotty doesn't care if it's dead or not, but it's time to get the doors open and run for their lives. However, they discover none of the exits will open and Izzy realizes the Creeper jammed it; realizing the Creeper breaking the screw of the exit door was their thought that it trying to come in, but instead, was making sure they couldn't get out. The Creeper's wing falls through a dent in the roof, shocking everyone; they begin moving over to the front of the bus. Dante, however, decides to play with the wing like they are shower curtains, awakening the Creeper, who promptly traps him in it. The other teens try holding him down, but the Creeper decapitates Dante and leaves the headless body to flail around until collapsing dead. Frightened by hearing the Creeper eat, everyone backs to the ends of the bus. Dee takes the flares and flare gun from Dante's pants. After getting no answers from Minxie about what the Creeper is up to, Rhonda looks through the hole to see the Creeper rip its head off; she ducks back down into the bus in, telling everyone. The claw hood of the Creeper reaches down into its chest, pulling Dante's head out. As soon as the head connects to the neck and begins breathing, it transforms into a new Creeper head. The Creeper flies off into the sky.

Though some think that the Taggerts' help is coming, Scotty points out that the 9 is long and they could be going in the wrong direction. He then points out that there are two classes of people now; Bucky retorts "What? The Will Be Eaten and the Won't Be Eaten?" Scotty points out everyone, but Minxie (as she's their source of information on the monster) and himself, that those Creeper picked out should leave for the safety of everyone else on the bus. However, Dee pins him and calls him out as the Creeper picked him too. He challenges Scotty on how long he'll last to stay in the bus with the big hole the Creeper already left on the roof, while he leads everyone else in search of help. Everyone gets off the bus, including Rhonda, to which Scotty tries to stop and call back. Rhonda yells at him and calls him out how his fear, like being drunk, shows who and what he truly is, a selfish coward. Another student, Jonny Young was still on the bus and shut the doors after everyone left. Izzy looks up at the moon and sees the Creeper watching them; he points up, telling them. They run back to the bus, but Jonny refuses to open the door.


The teens running into the fields after being locked out of the bus.

The Creeper heads down, forcing the teens to run into the field. Scotty tries to save himself by telling the teens to scatter, but they don't listen. The Creeper throws a shuriken, which implants itself in the back of Jake's head, killing him. The Creeper closes in on Dee, but Dee trips as the Creeper nears, angering the beast that it missed. Scotty breaks away from the group, resting at a tree; however, the Creeper pins his arm to it with a knife. The Creeper then flies into the herd of teens, unknown how many he has snatched, killed or eaten. Izzy and Rhonda try to save Scotty, however the knife is welded tight and hurts Scotty. Dee sees this in horror and comes to help. Izzy and Rhonda try to hold Scotty still as Dee tries to remove the knife. Scotty seeing the Creeper flying about and closing in begins to panic and apologizes to Dee and begs him to save him. They got him loose, however, it was too late as the Creeper grabs him and flies off into the sky. Rhonda is left screaming in anguish as Izzy and Dee try consoling her.

In the meantime, the Taggerts come across Minxie, learning she came from the bus and managed to escape the Creepers' pursuit. Jack Sr. demands to be taken to the bus. Minxie initially tells him it doesn't matter as there's nobody on the bus and they cannot stop it. Jack Sr. tells Minxie to stay in the car with Jacky until the fight with the Creeper is over. However, Minxie snaps saying it'll never be over as the Creeper cannot be killed by conventional means and that it will return every 23rd spring. Not caring, Jack Sr. demands to be taken to the bus so he can attack it to avenge his son. Minxie gets into the truck cabin with Jack Jr. and the dog.

Jack Taggart and The Creeper

Jack Sr. ready to face off against the Creeper.

On the bus, two of "Won't be eaten" party Jonny and another student he let back in, Chelsea Farmer, are still hiding just as Bucky returns. Bucky explains that he ran over 10 miles over the valley, explaining that there is NO farm. They beg him to leave as the Creeper isn't interested in them, keeping their distance; at that moment the bus creaks, signaling the Creeper is back. He attempts to grab Bucky again, with Jonny and Chelsea backing off, not attempting to save him. However, Bucky is saved as the Taggarts arrive and flash their car lights at the Creeper, forcing him to drop Bucky. The Creeper faces them and releases his wings as a show of power, initiating a stare-down between him and Jack Sr. Both wait for the other to make the first move, not taking their eyes of each other. Jack, Sr. fires the harpoon through the Creeper, knocking it off center into the sky. The Creeper starts to pull the truck (as the harpoon is connected to the machine by a rope), flying back and forth to try dislodging it.

Jack Sr. tries reeling it in, having no success at first, but soon find he's getting the rope to come back. However, this is because the Creeper pulled out the harpoon and tossed it back at them. Minxie gets out the truck and Jack Jr. cannot get out as his door is blocked by the bus and attempts to escape by the passenger door. He does survive, however, as he was able to duck before the harpoon breaks through the windshield. It pins his jacket to the seat, which hinders him in getting up. The Creeper then tries flying through the bus, but Jack, Sr. places another harpoon in the machine and shoots the Creeper through the bus windows. This knocks the beast into the fields; however, the Creeper recovers and flies back into the sky, discarding its disguise. It flies with all its might, knocking over the bus and pulling the rope through the vehicale. Jack Sr. tries to dislodge the rope, but finds it's stuck; Jackie tells his dad to get out of the truck, which is pulled into a flip the moment he does. Jackie then tends to his dad, to see if he's okay.

Rhonda and Double D (the Creeper's target) are sitting down on the field sulking with Dee armed with the flare gun when the Creeper shows up. Izzy tries to get their attention and argues about Minxie's warning, saying ultimately that no one decides their fates. Izzy then shows them an abandoned exterminator truck that passed them this morning, crashed into a tree with a hole in the roof; the Creeper must have attacked it after disabling the bus the first time. Izzy explains he knows how to hot-wire a truck, being the reason that he got into that rumored bar fight - he was trying to steal a car. However, the keys are still in the car and they see shadow pass over them - "It's not birds!" However, only Rhonda and Izzy manage to get in the truck as the passenger-side door handle breaks off, forcing D to sit in the back of the truck without anything between him and the Creeper. Izzy drives the truck off at top speed, but the Creeper is somehow able to reach the speed of over 100 MPH. Dee fires a flare into the Creeper's wings, knocking it off-balance and away temporarily.

Izzy drives into the field, knocking Rhonda out of the car as he yells for Dee to stay down. Izzy slams on the brakes just as the Creeper is looming over Dee. Forcing the creature to fly through the window and have Dee is flown off the truck as it flips over. Izzy crawls out of the truck as Dee awakens a short distance away; his leg is injured to the point of being unable to walk and he is all bloodied up. He moves to find the Creeper's wing by itself. Suddenly the truck explodes, awakening the Creeper, who is next to it. He quickly catches Dee's scent. However, when he attempts to go after him, the Creeper finds that he is missing a leg and arm as well. D finds the flare gun and two flares to defend himself with. He watches the blaze as the Creeper leaps heavily and lands. Dee begins fleeing, but the Creeper manages to quickly close in despite his injured state. When the distance from Dee is one hop away, the Creeper takes a flare to the chest and pins Dee to the ground. Dee tries to push The Creeper away, however, he is still too strong. The Creeper opens his face-wings to intimidate Dee; however, Dee's will to live is stronger than his fear. But the Creeper was still strong enough to keep pushing Dee down.

However, the sound of barking distracts the Creeper, as he looks up and gets harpooned on his forehead, knocking him down. Dee looks behind himself to see the Taggarts and what remains of the teens came to save him. Jack Sr. takes a spare harpoon with him as he watches the Creeper attempt to remove the weapon from its head. This prompts him to continually stab the Creeper until he runs out of breath; the total number of stabs is 35 at least and the Creeper was bleeding out in pain. The Creeper wails in agony and closes its eyes, seemingly dying. However, its eyes pop back open one last time; he glares at Taggart with a burning look as its hood close over its entire head.

Jack Jr, Jonny, Chelsea and Bucky

The teens looking on at the now-sleeping Creeper, reflecting on their survival.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, but Minxie explains the Creeper didn't die as its time simply ran out. However, Taggert stabs it again, blunting stating that it "Looks dead to me." Jack Jr is left shocked by his father's actions. As Taggert catches his breath, the teens watch over the Creeper.

The Future:

Years later, three teens arrive on the Taggert farm, where an adult Jack Jr greets them; they ask to see "it". Jackie tells them it's $5 to see the "Bat Out of Hell"; a photo is $10. The teens asked if any stories of it were true and they think it is not. Jackie simply replies, it is still $5. They each pay and then ask where it came from, but Jack Jr. only says it was killed by his dad. They ask how he killed it to which he simply replies to ask his father. The teens go into the barn, where they find the Creeper, with his body parts sewed back together, crucified to the wall as a tourist attraction; as years have passed, the Creeper has shriveled to flesh and bone and is very dry. One attempts to touch the Creeper, but a voice says they don't touch it. They teens look behind them to find the elderly Jack Sr. with a dog (not likely Mac) sitting next to his harpoon gun, which is loaded and aimed directly at the beast's heart. They ask him how he killed the Creeper, and he tells them he stabbed through the heart with a homemade harpoon. A teen asks when, it's revealed to be nearly 23 years ago. Noticing how prepared Jack Sr. is sitting in patience, one of the teenagers asks if he is waiting for something, and Jack, Sr. responds, "about three more days... give or take a day or two".

The movie ends with the teens looking up at the Creeper and the camera zooms into its face and the screen goes black.

For a Victor Salva original script, visit



  • Years after the film came out, fans noted that the Creeper was being incredibly stupid to target the bus so relentlessly on DAY 23. Plus it wastes time scaring them more then necessary instead of busting the bus open and eating them all.
  • The adults on the bus wait for over an hour before deciding to limp home on the remaining tire. One would think the reasonable thing to do would be to immediately try this if no-one was responding after an hour.
  • The Creeper disappears after killing the adults. He likely went after the station wagon right after, since the couple would alert others to the location of his prey.
  • According to the Commentary, the line "Coach?" right after Hanna is taken by the Creeper gets the most laughs of the movie because it's ridiculous to the audience, who know what happened to him.
  • There is only one cheat of reality; when the Creeper falls on the bus and breaks the windows, the back and front glass of the bus remain intact when they wouldn't in real life. Victor Salva explained in the Commentary that this was to avoid making easy for the teens to escape through the broken windshield
  • When shown on television, there is a poor cut to remove strong language. When Bucky asks Scotty about classing everyone as Will or Won't Be Eaten, it's obvious a line is missing because the momentum of the question and Scotty's name right after do not match.
  • Everyone seems to forget the Minxie was also picked out by the Creeper as Scotty, besides himself, does not call her out to be kicked off the bus like the other surviving targets like he does Jake, Bucky and Double D while also commenting he got Dante just like he wanted. 
  • Actor Tom Tarantini, who plays Coach Dwayne Barnes, was in the first film portraying car thief in the police station Austin McCoy AKA Roach.
  • Actor Al Santos briefly played the Creeper while it was taking Santo's character, Dante Belasco head as his own before it transitioned to the Creeper looking like itself again.
    • This also means the Creeper no longer had Darry's eyes from the first film but Dante's eyes instead as part of the rest of his new head.
  • The Creeper picked out Jake, Dante, Scotty, Minxie, Bucky, and Double D. However, only three of them were taken while the Creeper did kill Jake with his shuriken, it is unknown if the Creeper retrieved Jake's corpse after chasing the rest.
  • The Creeper's skewering through his eye and the removing of his head are removed from the televised version of the movie, as it was too violent and gory.
  • It remains unknown if Izzy managed to avoid being killed when the truck caught fire.
  • The Creeper is confirmed to be able to fly over 100 MPH.
  • In both Commentaries, it's explained that there were ideas to show the Creeper waking right before the credits. In Salva's commentary, he said the idea was for the Creeper's face to open, in Breck's commentary, the idea was for the camera to pull into the face wings and show eyes opening.
  • There are over 100 more digital shots in this movie than in the original.
  • Behind the scenes revealed Dante's actor had to play the headless corpse (by holding his breath) due to the dummy originally meant for the scene being given upper body clothing despite Victor Salva's direct orders not to.
  • This film takes place on the 23rd day of Spring in 2001. At the end of the 23-day cycle, the film cuts to 23 years in the future, that means it was the Creeper would rise again in the beginning of Spring 2024. 
  • It is unknown if all the students that were running out to the field all were actually killed or if plenty got away. Only known survivors out of approximately 20 students were Minxie, Bucky, Double D, Jonny, and Chelsea. While it is very likely, it has not been confirmed if Izzy and Rhonda also survived as they were not huddled with the others at the end.
    • Izzy pushes Rhonda out of the truck before slamming the brakes to crash the Creeper through the windows, Rhonda was rolling but at such high speed of about 100 MPH, it cannot be likely for her to survive while rolling over. Izzy was seen crawling out of the truck after it flipped over just before it blew up but was not seen and rescued by the others when it was all over, or if he even got far enough away from the explosion. But given how Dee was seen flying off the truck bed and surviving with an injured leg and bloodied face and mouth, it is likely they survived as they were last seen on-screen with the least number of bodily injuries.
  • The Creeper's body count in this film were 10 based on deaths/abductions taking place on-screen as well as the characters being seen alive on-screen before they are mysteriously missing. In the likely order is Billy Taggart, a man driving truck with bug on top, the couple driving station wagon and planning to call help for the bus, Coach Charlie Hanna, Betty Borman, Coach Dwayne Barnes, Dante Belasco, Jake Spencer, and lastly Scott Braddock. However, there is a discrepancy in this count as it is unknown if the Creeper got a hold of everyone that was running from him after being locked out of the bus. This means this film has likely the highest body count by the Creeper.


  • When Rhonda stabs the creeper in the head with the javelin the eyeball is pointing the wrong way.
  • When Coach Barnes reaches for the shuriken he reaches for it with his left hand, but grabs it with his right.
  • Bucky could be seen on the hood of the bus, but when the students were running away he was seen with them almost in the lead, but it would be impossible for him to have gotten there that quickly.
  • When Bucky was grabbed by the Creeper, the crack on the roof expands to make it easier for Johnathon Breck to be seen.
  • When the Creeper threw his head off, it falls on the bus front, then onto the ground, but you don't hear any sound of the head hitting the pavement.
  • After Dante is decapitated, the body running around is bleeding, but on the floor, there are no traces of blood to be seen.


Box office[]

Jeepers Creepers 2 opened in 3,124 theaters and had a U.S. domestic gross of US$ 35,667,218. Other international takings were $27,435,448, the worldwide gross being $63,102,666, slightly higher than the original.


Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a 22% rating with an average rating of 4.1 out of 10. They state: "Jeepers Creepers 2 is competently made, but it doesn't have the scares of the original."


  • Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA
    • Nominee: Best Horror Film
  • Fangoria Chainsaw Awards
    • Nominee: Best Supporting Actor (Ray Wise)
    • Nominee: Best Makeup/Creature FX (Brian Penikas)
    • Nominee: Worst Film
  • Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA
    • Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Feature - Music - Feature Film (David Bondelevitch & Victor Salva)
  • Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards
    • Nominee: Best Genre Film (Victor Salva)

External Links[]

  • Jeepers Creepers 2 on IMDb